Sunday, November 18, 2012

1) What inspires you to get up in the morning? Choose 3 things and give yourself the semester to make changes. Explain your choices.

One of the biggest things that inspires me to get up in the morning is that feeling of knowing you can accomplish whatever you want at any point in your life. Whether that happens during that day, or a hundred days later, I still know that I will accomplish anything that I want in life if I put the time and effort towards it. By living this philosophy I have already achieved much, even though I am still young. However, I still know that there is a lot still to be accomplished by me, and I am determined to keep moving forward and achieve my present and future goals. So I will continue to wake up everyday and try to do something to help myself achieve my dreams.

Another one of the biggest things that inspires me to get up in the morning is knowing that I will be able to spend time and work with my Border Collie 'Magic'. I got 'Magic' about 5 months ago from a top Border Collie breeder in Chicago to work and perform with. My goal is to be recognized as one of the greatest dog trainers/performers in the world. 'Magic' is helping me achieve that goal. She is a dream dog to work which I love. She is very hyperactive, crazy, and always wants to do the right thing. So I will continue to wake up everyday feeling inspired to work with my Border Collie 'Magic' and continuing my quest to become one of the greatest dog trainers/performers in the world.

Another one of the biggest things that inspires me to get up in the morning is knowing that I can create whatever I want to create. There are no limits on artistic creation in this world and anything can be accomplished.

2) Post 20 quotations you love. Bold 5 of these.

"A true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination." - Albert Einstein
"Logic will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you anywhere." - Albert Einstein
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." - Henry David Thoreau
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit." - Aristotle
"He who hesitates is lost." - Proverb
"Reach perfection." - Baltasar Gracian
"You should never want to be perfect, he who is perfect can never get any better." - Ashley M.L
"It always seems impossible until its done." - Nelson Mandela
"If you don't have confidence, you'll always find a way not to win." - Carl Lewis
"It's always too early to quit." - Norman Peale
"If you're bored with life, if you don't get up every morning with a burning desire to do things - you don't have enough goals." - Lou Holtz
"If you don't risk anything, you risk even more." - Erica Jong
"Change your thoughts and you change your world." - Norman Vincent Peale
"Every exit is a entry somewhere else." - Tom Stoppard
"Be not afraid of going slowly, be afraid of standing still." - Chinese Proverbs
"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." - Dolly Parton
"Live in the moment. Forget the past and don't consider yourself with the future." - Unknown
"You can't put a limit on anything. The more you dream the farther you get." - Michael Phelps
"The mind is everything; what you think, you become." - Unknown

3) Post 5 inspirational/educational movies or documentaries you wish the world would see. Each choice must have a brief summary of the content and why you chose it. (50 words each)

The Social Network - Tells the story of how Mark Zuckerburg became famous for his invention of the social networking site, Facebook. The story describes the beginning how he started out as a student at Harvard University, had an idea for a social networking site, made it available to his university, then eventually made it so the whole world could use it.

Click - The story is about a man who receives a magical remote that allows him to flash back, stop, and fast forward through time. He uses it to skip past moments in his life that he finds to be boring, be eventually finds out that there are unexpected consequences to that. This movie is inspirational because it shows that you should take every moment in your life and make the most of it. It shows that life goes fast and to take advantage of every minute of it.

The Bucket List - The story is about two terminally ill men who cross paths in a hospital after they were diagnosed with lung cancer. Through their treatments, they become friends. Together, they decided to go on a trip, to fufill their bucket lists. This movie is inspirational because it shows that just because you may be on your last days on this earth, you can still do everything that you want to do.

The Pursuit of Happyness - The is about a salesman who undergoes defeats, challenges and hardship (his wife leaving him, being rendered homeless) to secure a better living for his son. Throughout his journey, he never once gave up, and stood firm to his goals. The mood of the show is slow and somber, intended for the audience to experience more fully what the character is going through. Besides determination, self-belief, persistence and going after our dreams, the story also speaks strongly of a dad’s love for his child.

4) Your life is over; you are allowed to take in a box one single moment in your life that you can replay whenever you wish. Describe what that moment is. Explain why you chose it using as many details as possible. (200 words)

The moment that I would take would be when I performed on Canada's Got Talent. It was such a thrilling journey that I will never forget. I got to showcase my unique talent of Indoor Kite Flying to the world which was big for me as not many people have seen it before. I got to meet three of Canada's top Musicians and Actors who were the judges, Stephan Moccio - Wrote "Believe" for the Vancouver 2010 Olympics. Measha Bruggorgossman - One of Canada's top Opera Singers. And finally, Martin Short - A well known comedian. All three of them said that they were touched by my performance and Measha said that I was "a beacon of light for all 15 year olds" which was really nice to receive.

5) Write a minimum 50 word mission statement that describes the way you want to live your life.

I want to live my life to its absolute fullest. I wish to be the best at every single thing I do and am passionate for. Every goal that I give myself, I feel obligated to achieve that goal no matter how much time and/or effort it requires.